‘Out of this World’
🗺: Seascape Photography – Binalong Bay Sunrise, lighting up the iconic orange lichen on the granite boulders at the Bay of Fires, Tasmania.
📸: Focal length 17mm (60 secs @ f14. ISO50)
Haida GND soft grad (3 stops) & ND (6 stops).
Taken on a Canon EOS 6D with 16-35mm f/2.8 lens during our 6-day Tasmanian photo tour. Our Photo guide and tutor Karolin Schild used Haida Red-Diamond 100×150, 3 Stop Soft-Edge Graduated ND Filter using the Haida M10 Filter Holder System to balance the sky with the foreground subject and Haida Red Diamond 100×100 Neutral Density filter to create a smooth effect in the water.
Single exposure at sunrise using graduated neutral density and neutral density filters.